Changing the Contract Type to Activate / Deactivate Automated Billing
Purpose: This document explains how to activate or deactivate automatic billing for a customer contract by changing the contract type.
Overview: Revenue for contracts of type GRANTS is manually recognized in the General Ledger when departments send claims to grantors or when expenditures are incurred for advance grants:
Revenue for contracts of type GRANTAUTOBILL is recognized on a daily basis or when departments are ready to bill using the Billing module:
Key Topics:
- Topic 1: Activate billing by changing the contract type to GRANTAUTOBILL
- Topic 2: Deactivate billing by changing the contract type to GRANTS
Topic 1: Activate Billing by Changing the Contract Type to GRANTAUTOBILL
Scenario: Department wants to start using the Billing module and recognize revenue automatically for a contract.
Step 1: On the Financial homepage, select the Customer Contracts tile.
Step 2: The My Contracts page will appear by default. Select Define Contact General info.
Step 3: Let’s enter our search criteria on the Find an Existing Value tab of the General Information page. For this example, we’ll enter Business Unit ‘SFGOV’ and Contract ‘CTR00003896’ then click Search.
Step 4: Confirm that the current Contract Type is GRANTS, then click on the Amend Contract button.
Step 5: On the Amendments tab, the system will create new Amendment row ‘0000000001’. Select Amendment Type ‘Contract Type Change’ and Reason ‘Activate Billing.’
Step 6: Select the General tab.
Step 7: On the General tab, click the Contract Type Look Up button.
Step 8: Change the Contract Type to GRANTAUTOBILL.
Step 9: Select the Amendments tab.
Step 10: Click the Save button.
Step 11: Note the Amendment Status is Pending. Click on the Detail link for the Amendment.
A note about the Process Date. This indicates the date on which the amendment is eligible for processing. When amendment processing runs, the system picks up any amendments with a status of Ready and a process date less than or equal to the system run date. In the next step, we will manually process the amendment by clicking the Process Amendment button.
Step 12: Change the Amendment Status to Ready, then click the Process Amendment button.
Step 13: The Amendment Status is now Complete.
Done! The Contract Type is now GRANTAUTOBILL.
Topic 2: Deactivate Billing by Changing the Contract Type to GRANTS
Scenario: Department wants to stop using the Billing module and start manually recognizing revenue to the General Ledger for a contract.
Step 1: On the Financials homepage, select the Customer Contracts tile.
Step 2: The My Contracts page will appear by default. Select Define Contact General info.
Step 3: We’ll enter our search criteria on the Find an Existing Value tab of the General Information page. For this example, we’ll enter Business Unit ‘SFGOV’ and Contract ‘CTR00004115’ then click Search.
Step 4: Confirm that the current Contract Type is GRANTAUTOBILL, then click on the Amend Contract button.
Step 5: On the Amendments tab, the system will create new Amendment row ‘0000000001’. Select Amendment Type ‘Contract Type Change’ and Reason ‘Deactivate Billing.’
Step 6: Select the General tab.
Step 7: On the General tab, click the Contract Type Look Up button.
Step 8: Change the Contract Type to GRANTS.
Step 9: Select the Amendments tab.
Step 10: Click the Save button.
Step 11: Note the Amendment Status is Pending. Click on the Detail link.
A note about the Process Date. This indicates the date on which the amendment is eligible for processing. When amendment processing runs, the system picks up any amendments with a status of Ready and a process date less than or equal to the system run date. In the next step, we will manually process the amendment by clicking the Process Amendment button.
Step 12: Change the Amendment Status to Ready, then click the Process Amendment button.
Step 13: The Amendment Status is now Complete.
Done! The Contract Type is now GRANTS.
Author: Rob Connor
Version: 2.0