What is the purpose of the (213RR) Healthcare Scarce Resource Request form:

The online 213RR form for scarce healthcare resources should be used by pre-approved requestors to request scarce healthcare resources from the City of San Francisco. The form is specifically for scarce healthcare resources and should not be used to request non-scarce good & services or DSW personnel.

How it works:

The form utilizes a structured workflow to ensure requests are going to the correct people. When a requestor submits a request, the request is immediately received by the approver responsible for continuing the approval chain. The request ends at when the requested items are gathered, and a notification is sent to the receiver to confirm items are ready for pickup/delivery.  


Additional Training Materials:

External Requestor: Non-CCSF requestor who has been approved to request resources from the City i.e. corporations, private practices, private nursing homes, etc. 

Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough External Requester

Job Aid: see attachment below


Internal Requestor: CCSF employees working for the COVID Command Center and CCSF healthcare facilities i.e. Laguna Honda, Zuckerburg, etc.

Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough Internal Requester

Job Aid: see attachment below


Liaison Approver: 

Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough Liaison

Job Aid: see attachment below

Resource Approver:

Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough Resource Approver

Job Aid: see attachment below

Ops Chief Approver:

Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough Ops Chief

Job Aid: see attachment below


Video: 213 Scarce Walkthrough Fulfillment 

Job Aid: see attachment below

Need Additional Support?

The Healthcare Scarce team in Covid Command Center Logistics remains available to support you via our DPH DOC Ops Medical Resource email, or issues can be conveyed to the CCC Logistics Resource Deputy.  

For technical support you can also open a ticket by sending an email to sfemployeeportalsupport@sfgov.org.