COVID-19 Timekeeping: ICS 214 form


Please refer to the attached job aid for step-by-step instructions to complete the online ICS 214 form, and ensure you complete the form every day. 


Frequently Asked Questions

(updated 05/14/2020)


Do I need to fill out an ICS 211 form or an ICS 214 form?

An ICS form 211 is a sign-in/sign-out form. 211s are needed at the EOC, DOCs with physical locations where people are showing up onsite, and any other location where a significant number of DSW workers are reporting onsite to perform COVID-19 related work activities. DOCs that are “virtual” without a physical location do not need to complete a 211. The 211 is intended to capture who is onsite and when they were there, but it does not capture the work activities that an individual performs. Everyone onsite should sign-in and sign-out on the 211 (DSWs, volunteers, etc.).

The ICS 214 form is used to document the COVID-19 related work activities that an individual does. This information is not captured on a 211 form. The best 214 form to use is the online form found on the Employee Gateway. Using this online 214 form is HIGHLY encouraged. We have continued to make this form easier for you to use (you can now copy from prior submissions so you don’t have re-enter all your data each day), and the online submissions are much easier for your department’s payroll and HR professionals to process payroll and conduct cost recovery efforts.

For any day that you charge two or more non-OT/non-Comp hours on your time sheet to COVID-19, you should complete an online 214 form. 

If you charge ANY amount of Comp Time or Overtime to COVID-19 on your time sheet, not matter how small, you should submit an online 214 form for that day.  

You should code your time to COVID-19 on your time sheet if you are spending time doing any of the following:
 • Working at or in support of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or a Department Operations Center (DOC)
 • Attending meetings that are related to COVID-19
 • Planning, performing, creating, analyzing and/or reporting information being used for COVID-19 related duties.

Please remember that when submitting an online 214 form, you only record COVID-19 hours on the 214 form. Any non-COVID-19 hours do need to be captured on your time sheet, but the 214 form should only document your COVID-19 hours. The COVID-19 hours listed on your 214 form should match the COVID-19 hours charged on your time sheet. However, in the rare cases where that isn’t possible (MEA staff with OT COVID-19 hours that have reached their limit), the 214 form should still accurately reflect the total hours spent on COVID-19 related work activities that day.


Please try to complete your 214 forms and record your COVID-19 time in People & Pay DAILY if possible. However, it is very important that you submit your time sheet hours and your 214 forms by Friday each week - don't wait until Monday!


Do I need to complete the ICS 214 form if I am working remotely? 

Yes. Whether working onsite or remotely, for any day that you charge two or more non-OT/non-Comp hours on your time sheet to COVID-19, you should complete an online 214 form. 

You should code your time to COVID-19 on your time sheet if you are spending time doing any of the following:
 • Working at or in support of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or a Department Operations Center (DOC)
 • Attending meetings that are related to COVID-19
 • Planning, performing, creating, analyzing and/or reporting information being used for COVID-19 related duties.

If you charge ANY amount of Comp Time or Overtime to COVID-19 on your time sheet, not matter how small, you should submit an online 214 form for that day.  


Are Disaster Service Worker (DSW) staff working in the field required to complete an ICS 214 form?

Yes. Any site where DSWs are working on COVID-19 related activities should have a 211 form (sign-in & sign-out) and a 214 form (hard copy or preferably online), available for DSWs to complete.


What about entering time in the SF Employee Portal (PeopleSoft) or my local time keeping system?

The ICS 214 form is NOT a replacement for regular timekeeping/payroll processes. All DSWs are still required to enter their time in the SF Employee Portal or local department timekeeping system in order to get paid. When entering your time in the SF Employee Portal or your local timekeeping system, please use the proper COVID-19 Incident Codes and ensure the number of hours submitted with COVID-19 Incident Codes matches the number of hours submitted on the ICS 214 form for that day. 


Please refer the SF Prepared - Timekeeping for Local Emergencies article for step-by-step instructions on how to enter Incident Codes in your timesheet, and contact your department's Payroll team to confirm the correct codes.


Can I revise a previously submitted ICS 214 form?

Yes. If necessary, you can submit a revised version of a previously submitted ICS 214 form. 


Can I submit an online ICS 214 form for multiple days?

No. You cannot do this using the online 214 form. A 214 form must be submitted for each day. However, a previously submitted 214 form can be copied and quickly revised making the process very quick and easy.


Can the online ICS 214 form be filled out for another person and/or multiple people (2 persons or more)?

Yes. The online 214 form allows you three options.

  1. Fill out for yourself
  2. Fill out a single 214 form for A Team
  3. Fill out a 214 on behalf of someone else


If filling out a single 214 for multiple people (A Team), the multiple people listed all need to have worked the same number of hours that day and performed essentially the same COVID-19 work activities. If individuals did different work activities or worked different hours, then a separate 214 form should be submitted. 


When preparing the online ICS 214 form for another staff member (e.g. Admin staff preparing for Field staff), can the person who is preparing the form sign on behalf of the person whose hours they are submitting? Or does it need to be signed by the employee who worked the hours?

The person completing the form should enter their name in the “Prepared By” field and provide their signature to verify that the information submitted is correct/accurate. The individuals listed do not need to sign the form.


Using the Online ICS 214 form


Please refer to the attached job aid for step-by-step instructions to complete the online ICS 214 form.


How do I find the form?

Go to the SF Employee Gateway. Click the clock icon labeled COVID-19 Timekeeping in the top row to launch the form.  


You can also go there directly using this link:





Do I need to create an account or login to submit the form? 

No, you do not need to, but it is recommended that you do so you’ll be able to copy previously submitted 214 forms. This will save you lots of time. Please see the Job Aid with step-by-step instructions about how to create an account, login and copy 214 forms.  


Why can’t I just submit on paper? 

Given the current COVID-19 crisis, we want to discourage the use of paper which can further transmit the virus. Also, the use of the online 214 form is much more efficient for your department’s cost recovery unit. The hourly information submitted via the online 214 form can be compared with the COVID hours coded in SF People & Pay via the COVID Hours Dashboard in SF Reports & Analytics. This allows for much faster and more accurate resolution of any discrepancies between the 214 form and time sheet. If you do not have the ability to complete it online and must complete it on paper, please submit the paper version to your DOC. 


Can I create a copy of the form to save to my computer before submitting? 

Yes. You can do this if you choose to submit without creating an account. There is a green PDF button in the top right-hand corner. However, if you create an account, a PDF copy of your 214 will automatically be emailed to you.  


Can I save a Draft if I am not ready to submit?

The 214 form automatically saves a draft that will be accessible if you return to the form within one week on the same device. It cannot save two forms at a time. 


How much detail should I give for Activities?

You should create a new item for each significant task performed in response to the incident. Not every single activity needs to be listed, but you should list notable ones. Please see some examples below: 

  • SSituation Briefing
  • PPlanning Meeting
  • FFEMA training on Purchasing
  • RRespond to emails on P-cards
  • CContract work for City First Responder services
  • BBI Report on Emergency purchases
  •   DOC Planning meeting


Can the online 214 form be used to submit retroactively for folks who didn’t complete one previously?

Yes. Just be sure to change the date. 


What should I do if I make a mistake on my ICS 214 form and I've already submitted?

Please resubmit another form and we will disregard your previous submission. If you have an account established, you’ll be able to simply copy the previously submitted form and correct the mistake and resubmit. 


Where can I get a job aid on how to use the 214 form? 

Please see attached COVID-19 Timekeeping Form 214 Job Aid


Who should I contact if I have questions about this new ICS Form 214?

Please email for any policy questions or for any technical issues using the form.


Department Administrator FAQs


Will online ICS 214 forms automatically go to departmental payroll units prior to entering time for the week? Does this remove the requirement to validate payroll against 214s or move it after the fact?

No. The online ICS 214 form does not remove the requirement to validate. The reconciliation/validation process between timesheets and 214 forms at the department level is still required. However, if the online 214 forms are used, departments will be able to validate using the COVID Hours Dashboard in SF Reports & Analytics. This automatically identifies discrepancies between 214 forms and timesheet data making it easier to validate both the 214s and timesheets before the close of payroll. 


Can I revise a previously submitted ICS 214 form even after the pay period ends?

Yes. If a revision is necessary, staff can submit a revised version of a previously submitted 214 form. Please note that for transparency and record-keeping purposes, the original version will still be retained. If there are multiple 214 forms submitted for the same day for the same individual(s), the most recently submitted version of the 214 form will be deemed to be the correct version.