Please see the attachment for detailed pictures that accompany this report description.

What does this report show?

The 14B: Award and Payment Summary report shows contract counts, awarded amounts, and payments to prime contractors and subcontractors, summarized by contract type, LBE status, LBE owner type (Other Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, or Women Business Enterprise ownership demographics) and ethnicity/race category as self-reported by the LBE Bidder/Supplier

Report Overview

The 14B: Award and Payment Summary will display a summary of LBE contracting activity, filtered by default for the two most recently completed fiscal years and the user’s department.

Report Prompts

The first section of the report contains the available prompts. Utilize the prompts to narrow down your report results or find specific values. The values applied to the prompts will appear in the “Report Filters” section described below. Leaving a prompt blank is equivalent to selecting all available values with values associated with them (e.g., if you leave Department blank, your report will show all departments’ contracts). 

Prompt Descriptions

Contract Start Date: The contract term start date from the PeopleSoft contract entry page. This is a required prompt and defaults to include the two most recently completed fiscal years.

Contract End Date: The contract term end date from the PeopleSoft contract entry page.

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year associated with the contract start date, as defined above.

Fiscal Quarter: The fiscal quarter associated with the contract start date, as defined above.

Fiscal Period: The fiscal period (month) associated with the contract start date, as defined above.

Department Group Code: The three character top-level department code associated with the department recorded on the PeopleSoft contract entry page. The value “Five Major Departments” will return results for AIR, DPW, PUC, PRT, and REC exclusively. This defaults to the user’s department.

Contract Type Description: The description of the contract type recorded on the PeopleSoft contract entry page.

Contract Reference: The user-entered memo or reference associated with the contract, often the FAMIS BPO number for converted contracts.

Purchasing Authority Description: The description of the purchasing authority recorded on the PeopleSoft contract entry page.

Source Agreement Status Description: The description of the PeopleSoft contract status, e.g. ‘Approved’ or ‘Closed’.

Purchase Buyer Name: The name of the buyer associated with the contract.

14B Compliance Officer: The CMD contract compliance officer (CCO) responsible for the contract.

Supplier 12B Compliance: The status of the prime contractor’s 12B compliance.

Supplier 14B Certification Status: The status of the prime contractor’s 14B certification, if any.

Supplier 14B Certification Type: The type of the prime contractor’s 14B certification, if any (e.g. ‘LBE’, ‘PUC-LBE’, 'Nonprofit Enterprise or NPE-LBE').

Supplier 14B Owner Type: The type of owner as recorded on the prime contractor’s 14B certification, if any (e.g. ‘Minority Business Enterprise’, ‘Women Business Enterprise’).

Supplier 14B Firm Size: The firm size of the prime contractor per its 14B certification application. Multiple values per supplier are possible for suppliers certified for more than one category.

Supplier: The concatenated number and name of the prime supplier.

Department: The concatenated number and description of the department recorded on the PeopleSoft contract entry page.

Report Results

The second section of the report contains the report results.

Column Descriptions

Contract Type Description: The description of the contract type recorded on the PeopleSoft contract entry page.

Prime LBE Status: The status of the prime contractor’s 14B certification, if any.

Prime Owner Type: The type of owner as recorded on the prime contractor’s 14B certification, if any (e.g. ‘Minority Business Enterprise’, ‘Women Business Enterprise’).

Ethnicity/Race Category: The ethnicity/race category of the prime contractor firm owner as listed on its 14B application.

Prime or Sub: Differentiates between primes and subcontractors for award and payment amounts.

Number of Contracts: The count of distinct contracts (contract numbers) awarded, filtered by the contract start date.

Number of Contracts to Date: The count of distinct contracts (contract numbers) awarded, disregarding the contract start date.

Amount Awarded: The sum of header-level contract awards, filtered by the contract start date.

LBE Amount Awarded: The sum of header-level contract awards to LBE-certified firms, filtered by the contract start date.

Amount Awarded to Date: The sum of header-level contract awards, disregarding the contract start date.

LBE Amount Awarded to Date: The sum of header-level contract awards to LBE-certified firms, disregarding the contract start date.

Payments: The sum of payments to primes (via PeopleSoft vouchers) and subcontractors (as recorded and confirmed in eSettlements), filtered by the contract start date.

Payments to Date: The sum of payments to primes (via PeopleSoft vouchers) and subcontractors (as recorded and confirmed in eSettlements), filtered by the contract start date.

Report Filters

Just under the report output are the report filters. The filters include several “hard-coded” filter values which are mandatory for basic report functionality, as well as any prompts applied by the user.

Contract Type Description will always exclude Grants and Non-Purchasing Contracts.

Agreement Approval Status will always equal only approved contracts.

Logic has been applied to allow for the “Five Major Departments” filtering as described in the “Filter Descriptions” section.

Any other filters that you have selected in the report filters will also appear in this section.

Please see the attachment for detailed pictures that accompany this report description. 

For more information about LBE Participation and Utilization Dashboards, please read the following articles: