How to Correct Budget Check Errors
Purpose: This job aid is to help users correct the Budget Check errors that can occur after running the Finalize and Print Invoice process. The invoice will be printed if all required billing information is entered, however there may be cases where the Revenue accounting entries do not pass budget check.
About Correct Budget Check Errors: The Correct Budget Check Errors page in the Billing module provides a way to update the accounting entries for an invoice that fails budget checking. Use this page to review and correct the accounting entries for the invoice. If you believe that the accounting entries are correct, please check with your fund accountant.
Role: The Billing Processor or Approver role is required to access this page.
Step 1: On the Financial homepage, select the Billing tile.
Step 2: The Bill Entry page will appear by default. Select Correct Budget Check Errors.
Step 3: The Business Unit defaults to ‘SFGOV’. For this example, we’ll select ‘SF003’.
Step 4: Enter the desired invoice or department prefix if known and click the Search button. Only invoices with a budget check header status of E will appear in the search results. Select your invoice with Budget Check errors.
Step 5: The Acctg Entries Summary page will appear. Select the Line tab.
Step 6: Verify that the PC Business Unit, Project, and Activity are entered and valid. If needed, correct the values and click Save.
Step 7: Select the Revenue tab.
Step 8: Verify that the Account, Fund, Dept, Authority and Project fields are entered and valid. If needed, correct the values and click the Apply Correction button.
Step 9: Rerun the Single Action Invoice process to budget check and load the invoice into Receivables.
End of Procedure
Audience: All Billing Users
Author: Rob Conner
Version: 2.1